Life Promotion Recap: 2024
A recap of our busy end to 2024! Trips to connect with communities, workshops and celebrations.
Reflections: Changing the Narrative on Suicide and Suicide Prevention Symposium
With a growing awareness nationally and internationally on suicide prevention strategies, we decided to host a symposium on the theme ‘Changing the Narrative’.
World Suicide Prevention Day: Changing the Narrative on Suicide
We had a very busy World Suicide Prevention Day. Check out a few of the events we held and attended for WSPD in September!
First Nations Collaborative: Youth Well-Being
Collaborative member Anthony Satrick penned this blog after facilitating a First Nations Collaborative workshop in early July where we discussed First Nations children in out-of-home care.
Five by Five Collaborative: Fostering collaboration and insights
The Five by Five Collaborative featured five presentations covering five topics relating to life promotion and suicide prevention. It aimed to facilitate information sharing and foster engaging discussions.
Reflections on the National Suicide Prevention Conference: Collective Courage. Accelerate Impact
Gill Townsend, Manager (Suicide Prevention) went to the National Suicide Prevention Conference looking for inspiration and ideas to feed into our work for the Life Promotion and Suicide Prevention FNQ Collaborative where our recent focus has been on systems, racism, education, stigma and language, access and family and domestic violence.
#NSPC24: Collective Courage. Accelerate Impact.
Life Promotion FNQ member Steph shares her learnings from the 25th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference held in Adelaide earlier this month.
Guest Blog: The best is yet to come
A guest blog from our Collaborative member Trevor Philpot who joined us at the National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024.
March/April Recap
These last few months, we have had more wonderful connections and conversations with other like-minded people interested in building strong healthy communities and exploring new narratives about suicide and suicide prevention.
Collaborative #7: Big, bold ideas approaching suicide prevention
Queensland Mental Health Commissioner Ivan Frkovic, entrepreneurial social change leader Jesse Martin and award-winning Town Planner Nikki Huddy joined 40 collaborative members from across the region bringing their ideas to this event.
Bring the Humanity Back: notes from the December Life Promotion & Suicide Prevention FNQ Collaborative event
We’ve been hosting the Collaborative for over a year now and have been extremely pleased, by the effectiveness of the ‘creative’ approach to suicide prevention. We now approach our next event ‘Critical Shifts’.
2023 Year in Review
We are taking time to look back at what we have learned over 2023 in our Life Promotion and Suicide Prevention FNQ initiative. What challenges have we uncovered that can shape our work through 2024?
Queensland Mental Health Commission Leading Reform Summit 2023 Recap
Key themes, such as humanity, compassion, social connection, equity, early intervention, and embracing bravery and boldness, prominently emerged during the event.
10 Priorities for Life Promotion and Suicide Prevention FNQ
Life Promotion & Suicide Prevention FNQ is guided by 10 priorities that help us to propel this initiative forward. The priorities are informed by the Black Dog Institute LifeSpan Framework for Suicide Prevention and a Collective Impact approach to change.
A Month of Diverse Engagements: October Recap
A busy month! We recap October, including our preparations for a SPCAP plan for Kowanyama, our next Collaborative event, Touchpoints training and lots of important discussions ranging from domestic violence to self-harm in culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Developing a Common Agenda: in pursuit of the movement for change
In the realm of community-driven initiatives and making positive social change, Collective Impact has become a game-changer. It's all about teamwork, bringing various people together to tackle complex issues head-on. We will discuss a few ways…
Head 2 Health: NQPHN and CHHHS Codesign workshop in Cairns
Gill Townsend joined NQPHN and CHHHS in a co-design workshop to discuss how to design a new service for Head 2 Health mental health services that is easily accessible and meets community needs in Cairns.
“Heartwarming” Cairns Touchpoints suicide prevention training
On 28 June, we attended the TouchPoints training, delivered by RITO. The morning was full of vibrant conversation, personal stories and reflections, and opportunities to meet other people who want to be part of a greater movement for change.
Join us for The Collaborative: Event 4
The Collaborative invites you to join us for an exciting event dedicated to creating change in suicide prevention. We are seeking individuals who are committed to making a difference and invite you to be part of this movement.