“Heartwarming” Cairns Touchpoints suicide prevention training
Life Promotion and Suicide Prevention FNQ, were delighted to partner with Roses in the Ocean on 28 June to bring TouchPoints training to Cairns.
The morning was full of vibrant conversation, personal stories and reflections, and opportunities to meet other people who want to be part of a greater movement for change.
TouchPoints training is a heartwarming, real and very practical method of suicide prevention, designed and delivered by those with a lived experience of suicide.
The TouchPoints workshop is designed to help community members learn how to engage with people who are in distress.
The main purpose of the training is that it recognises that many of us can be TouchPoints in others' lives. Using this, the trainer guides us to ask questions about how we can help and how we can sit in discomfort with someone who is experiencing hopelessness and thoughts of suicide.