About the new Life Promotion & Suicide Prevention FNQ website

We're excited to be launching the Life Promotion & Suicide Prevention FNQ [Far North Queensland] website.

The site aims to bring together information, updates and resources for our networks as we lead the implementation of the Cairns & Hinterland SPCAP and Torres & Cape SPCAP. We heard feedback that having two separate websites made it difficult for people to stay connected to the work of the SPCAPs, so we've brought them together to make it easier for you to learn more and get involved.

Our team is looking forward to posting regular updates about suicide prevention activities happening across Far North Queensland, with the aim of guiding and inspiring more community-led action in the coming years. We hope the website will become a valuable resource for anyone interested in suicide prevention and life promotion.

We're in the process of bringing across old blogs, updates and resources to the new website over the next few months, so be sure to check back in again soon as we build out the content available.

If you have any questions or suggestions for our SPCAP ‘Backbone’ Team, please send us an email at lifepromotionFNQ@beaconstrategies.net.


Grant funding now available to support local suicide prevention action


About the SPCAP