We are delighted to introduce Roses in the Ocean TouchPoints Training to Far North Queensland.
The intention for Life Promotion & Suicide Prevention FNQ is to develop and support five potential trainers who will be able to run TouchPoints Training across their communities. Trainers will be identified both within the training session and drawn from the Life Promotion and Suicide Prevention Collaborative.
Learn how to confidently recognise and respond to suicide. Upon completion of this workshop, you can expect to have:
• attained a deeper understanding and appreciation of the complexity of suicide
• increased awareness of warning signs and invitations for help
• increased confidence & capacity to engage with people in crises
• improved confidence to connect a person at risk of suicide with support
• an appreciation of the importance of self-care and practical tools to implement
• ‘debunked’ commonly held suicide myths with facts and lived experience
• practical ways in which to support someone bereaved through suicide
• knowledge of how best to support someone’s return to the workplace
To register for the workshop please email enquiries@rosesinthe ocean.com.au or call 1033 411 461
To find out more about being a trainer please email gill@beaconstrategies.net.